Benefits of Sleeping Next to Your Dogs

If you’re a person that likes to sleep next to your dog, you are not alone. Many people enjoy sleeping next to their pets. Not only do they provide companionship, but they can also calm stress and anxiety, teach their owners how to relax and relieve stress, and even provide comfort for those who have insomnia. But, if you are a dog lover and want to get a good night’s rest, you might want to tuck your pup into bed with you.

Below are some benefits you can get if you sleep next to your dogs:

Comfort and Security

Staying close to your canine companion provides comfort, emotional support, and security. And, of course, having the dog sleeping right next to you makes it, so you never go more than an arm’s length away from your pet.

Reduced Depression

Regardless of whether your canine companion sleeps next to you or on their dedicated pet bed in your room, it’s worth noting that it can have several positive impacts on your well-being. A recent study highlights that being close to your furry friend can help reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, help combat depression, and enhance your overall happiness.

Boost mental health

More and more, humans are learning that being around pets can boost their mental health. People who live with dogs or cats may have lower levels of stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and a better sense of well-being.

Improved Health

You may think that sleeping in the same room as your dog might be annoying, but did you know that dog owners who sleep close to their pets actually live longer? According to a new study from Washington State University, dog owners who sleep within 5 feet of their canine counterparts are nearly 5 percent less likely to die over a 12-year period. This startling number is believed to be a result of the many health benefits of sleeping next to your canine companion.

Improved Immune System

There’s a large body of evidence that pets can improve our health, including reducing blood pressure, boosting our immune system, and improving our mood. Pets, especially dogs, can release a stress hormone called cortisol that helps us fall asleep and boost the immune system.

Potential Risk Sleeping Next to your dog

Do dogs make good sleeping partners? It’s one of those questions that you’re likely to hear often from dog owners, neighbors, and even other dog owners. The answer is, of course, yes. Dogs provide many benefits to owners, including companionship, exercise, and emotional support, but they also provide possible risks.


If you have allergies and have had them for a long time, you may be surprised to find out that dogs can trigger them. Many people don’t realize that fat, dander, saliva, and urine can all cause allergies, and by sleeping next to a pet, you risk breathing in, touching, and ingesting these allergens.

May Cause Injury

Dogs can be great companions, but they can also be a source of frustration, especially in your bedroom! They are known for their loyalty, but they can also bring a lot of pain and annoyance to our personal space, so it is important to assess the risks before you bring a dog into your bedroom.

Should I Let My Dog Sleep with Me?

If you’re a dog lover like me, you probably sleep beside or next to your dog every night. If so, you’re probably familiar with their loud snoring, turning in their sleep, and tendency to drool on you. What you may not realize, however, is that many of these behaviors could be signs of a potentially serious problem, especially if you’re sleeping next to your dog. You know your dog’s personality; you know they are clean. If so, sleeping next to your dog will not be a problem.

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